Gospel and Acts

The Gospels are the heart of the Bible. They declare that the center, the crux and climax of human history, is found in God's act of sending His only Son as a ransom. And this message must be proclaimed, from the first days of the church (captured in Acts) to now. Yet, these five books are also complex, drawing together discourse and narrative, history and prophecy and apocalyptic, theology and ethics. In this Gospels and Acts unit, there are five three lessons from a diverse group of instructorstaught by Jonathan Pennington (professor of New Testament at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) and Robert Kinney (Director of Ministries at the Charles Simeon Trust and University Minister at Holy Trinity Church in Chicago).

18. Introduction to the Gospels and Acts: Context

Welcome to the final unit in the Simeon Course! In this first lesson, Jonathan Pennington (professor of New Testament at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) lays a foundation for understanding the canonical Gospels and how to use their literary context to better understand them.

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19. Finding the Structure in the Gospels and Acts

In this second lesson in the Gospels and Acts unit, Robert S. Kinney (Director of Ministries at the Charles Simeon Trust and University Minister at Holy Trinity Church in Chicago) explores finding literary structure in narrative.

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20. How to Preach from the Parables

In this third lesson in the Gospels and Acts unit, Robert S. Kinney proposes a method for working through and teaching from Parables.

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