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The real substance of our Christian faith is well presented in Paul’s greeting at the very beginning of his letter to the Philippians
Speaker: Kevin Rogers
What is the church? What does it mean to be a member of it? And what does it look like to live that out?
We are called to present ourselves as living sacrifices to God, reflecting the Christ who is in us. This is the acceptable gift we must offer to the Great Giver.
The real substance of our Christian faith is well presented in Paul’s greeting at the very beginning of his letter to the Philippians
Speaker: Kevin Rogers
What is the church? What does it mean to be a member of it? And what does it look like to live that out?
We are called to present ourselves as living sacrifices to God, reflecting the Christ who is in us. This is the acceptable gift we must offer to the Great Giver.
What does it mean to receive the gift of Jesus Christ? Receiving him is believing him, receiving a new family, and seeing his glory.
Jesus Christ is not just well intended. He is the all-powerful Lord over creation who accomplishes our redemption.
At Christmas, God showed his love for us by sending his only son to give us life through propitiation for our sins.
At Christmas, we celebrate the miraculous gift of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who became fully human and took the form of a humble servant for our redemption. Now He is exalted to the highest degree and we worship Him.
In the end, Christ will reign and will make all things new.
The world’s corrupt economic systems, along with ungodly political and military powers, will face full and final judgment. In response, we will join all of heaven in rejoicing over the triumph of God’s justice in the world and the love of God in Christ that triumphs in our hearts.
For suffering saints, the justice of God is a rescue mission. His final judgment will be a sweet relief for those who are in Christ.
Speaker: Kevin Rogers
Testing Emergency Announcement