Old Testament Narrative

Everybody loves a good story. From the storybooks of our childhood to the latest blockbuster movie, a good story has the ability to create drama with words, capturing our attention and imagination. Bible stories too can be told with great power and effect, whether to children, a congregation, or to theological faculty. But the effect of Bible these stories, however, goes beyond mere entertainment. Christians ought to see the Bible’s stories as “vehicles of truth about God and ourselves.” It is no wonder, then, that the Bible writers use narratives or stories. In this Old Testament Narrative unit, there are four lessons and our primary instructor is John Woodhouse (retired Principal of Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia).

1. Preaching the Old Testament: Must We?

Welcome Old Testament Narrative unit. Through the first four lessons, John Woodhouse teaches us how to handle the stories from the Old Testament. In this first lesson, he makes the case for preaching from Old Testament narratives.

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2. Old Testament Narrative: The Context Is the Key

In this second lesson, John Woodhouse demonstrates how understanding the context of a text is key to interpreting a text.

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3. Old Testament Narrative: Preaching Christ

How can one legitimately point to Christ from the Old Testament narratives? In this third lesson, John Woodhouse begins to explore Biblical Theology and its use for Old Testament stories.

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4. How Old Testament Narratives Work

In this fourth lesson, John Woodhouse explores how Old Testament stories work, their unique features and shape.

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