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Missio Dei



Author: Candy Smith

Giving Opportunities

Mission Offering 2016

On May 15, the church was invited to invest its prayers and finances in two strategic areas:

Serving Our City (Local Mission)

  • At-risk youth
  • Internationals
  • Neighbors in need
  • Women in crisis

Reaching The Nations (Global Mission)

  • Church planting
  • Church strengthening
  • Pastoral training
  • Member mobilization

If you would like to make an online donation to either of these strategic areas, you can give online.

Missions Trips

Support one of the many people going on a short-term missions trip in 2016! For further information on specific needs and opportunities, email Beth k.

Global Gates (Montgomery County)

A husband and wife team (former members of Covenant Life Church) work with a ministry called Global Gates to reach unreached peoples living in the Metro DC area. They have inspired and equipped dozens of CLC members to engage the “unreached within reach.” For more information on how to join, pray for, or financially support their work, visit their website.

Phil and Sara M. (China)

Support church members Phil and Sara as they prepare for long-term service in Mainland China. Contact them at:

Seita S. (Japan)

We are honored to partner with Seita Sakaguchi and his church-planting work in Toyosu, Japan. Visit their website for more information about Seita’s ministry in Japan.

Abi C. (Middle East)

To request information about how you can support Abi’s one-year internship serving Syrian refugees in the Middle East, email Beth K.

Bilge I. (Central Asia)

To request information about how you can support this exciting new church plant, email Beth K.


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