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Missio Dei



Author: Gregory S

Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37). Please pray for workers for all the “harvests” highlighted below and for the wisdom and power of God to guide and direct every aspect of each endeavor.

Local Prayer Requests

Good Samaritan Advocates

  • For the number of clients to double from the current average of 5-10 at each monthly clinic
  • For the launch of a second GSA clinic in Montgomery County with the long-term goal that a clinic will be available every Saturday of the month at a different church

Soup Kitchen

  • For a volunteer to wash dishes on fourth Friday of the month (12:30-5:30 PM)
  • For more volunteers (especially Spanish speakers) on first Wednesday of the month
  • For spiritual hunger and an interest in Bible study amongst the dear people we serve (12:30-5:30 PM)

Every Day Is Christmas

For wisdom and a clear sense of direction for the future and that more doors will be open to serve

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

Pray that the Holy Spirit would deepen our conversations with students and that they and their families would be drawn to the knowledge of Jesus as their personal Savior.

JOY Club (South Lake)

Pray that we will be wise and winsome gospel ambassadors and that God would bring additional volunteers.

JOY Camp

Pray that the gospel would spread in the outreach neighborhoods and that we would have increased opportunities to further and deepen the relationships that have been faithfully built.

Forest Oak Towers

For more residents to attend the Bible study and Wednesday lunches and for deep spiritual conversations

Men’s Shelter

  • For gospel seeds to be sown, that the men would experience God’s love through our care, and that we would continue to find favor with the shelter staff and be able to befriend them.
  • Pray the Holy Spirit would lead us and that additional volunteers would join this ministry.

Laytonia Girls Club

  • Pray that salvation would come to the families of Laytonia and that the Holy Spirit would lead the team.
  • Pray for additional volunteers

EF International Student Exchange

  • For the exchange students to be exposed to the gospel and have a life-changing year. 
  • For the host families to learn more about loving and caring and understanding those from a different country.
  • For a growing number of godly host families who see the incredible opportunity to share their homes, hearts, and faith with international students.
  • For God to provide the students with good (godly) friends at school.

Riverdale Community

Deepening friendships with Muslim families and discipleship of Christian refugee families

Pro-Life Team

  • Pray that we will demonstrate a truly consistent ethic of love and life for all humans in all circumstances.
  • Pray those entrusted with political power will fulfill the first responsibility of government and protect the vulnerable and weak.
  • Pray that the light of Christ will shine on those in the abortion industry and that they will come under the sovereign reign of God and be reconciled to Him.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

  • Pray for more staff members and ministry wisdom and boldness in sharing the gospel
  • Pray God will use the 2016 camp season to encourage Christians in their faith and to draw student-athletes to Him for the first time.

Basketball Outreach

Pray that God would inspire us with vision for 2016, continue to bring the spiritually dead to life and would deepen our spiritual conversations with the participants.

Prison Outreach

  • Pray the volunteers would be spiritually renewed and encouraged and that God would draw more inmates to the Bible study.
  • Pray for wisdom and the love that comes from the Holy Spirit.

Global Gates

Pray that we would see ten people come to Christ in 2016, that we would be personally refreshed by God’s word and His Spirit, and that we would have total financial support.

Youth for Christ

Pray for more people to volunteer in the Neelsville ministry, additional financial support, and for the chapter to grow and increase its impact on teens for God’s glory.


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