Christmas Eve

 I'd like to join you on Christmas Eve

 “For those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.” Matt 4:16

Light shines in darkness. 

When you walk into a dark room, your first instinct is to find a light. It’s the same way in life. When we walk through dark days - whether relational brokenness, physical suffering, financial hardship, or societal turmoil - we look for light. Some glimmer of hope, healing and restoration. 

The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ himself is the light of the world.

He is the one who brings true and lasting help to our greatest and deepest need. As the Gospel of John says “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” 

Christmas Eve Service

December 24 at 6:30pm

Covenant Life Church invites you to join us as we celebrate the dawn of hope in the birth of Jesus Christ this Christmas Eve. Refreshments will be served at 6:30pm followed by a service of carols, readings, and a brief message celebrating the light of the world, Jesus Christ. All are welcome!

I'd like to join you on Christmas Eve

From Pastor Kevin


Thank you for clicking in to consider the light of God promised at Christmas. I am humbled that you would consider stopping in here at this point in your journey.


If we focus on the world around us, it can seem like we are living in hopelessly dark days. But the message of Christmas offers true life and bright hope.


At Covenant Life, we believe that peace and joy come through building a relationship with God and living among a community of friends, so I want to cordially invite you to join our church family for our Christmas Eve celebration. Come as you are, casual or dressed up, young or old, wealthy or struggling, Christian or questioning. All are welcome. We look forward to meeting you.


Kevin Rogers
Lead Pastor

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