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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
Most of us have a portion of our Bibles that we rarely turn to, the twelve short books in the back of the Old Testament called the minor prophets. It’s full of odd imagery - one book is almost entirely about locusts! It seems to be almost entirely about judgment. Doom and gloom is not what most of us are looking for in our daily devotions before we skip out the door to work or school. And the people and places we have little to know reference for. It's all just…weird. They’re called “minor” - must not be all that important anyway, right?
Well, consider this. On the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, Peter preached a sermon that led to thousands of conversations. That sermon was based on two of the minor prophets. In the book of Romans, Paul’s magnum opus, his central theme is drawn from a verse in the minor prophets. That great conclusion to 1 Corinthians about victory over death and the life to come? Yep, it’s drawn from the minor prophets.
These small books that seem so odd to us, are words from God spoken “for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4. They are important because:
They call us to reckon with the severe mercy of God, to marvel at his grace, to be humbled by his power.
They call us to remember the way of life God has called us to, to be concerned with righteousness, to care for the poor, the widowed, the orphaned, the outcast, and the oppressed.
They deliver these truths in ways that capture our imaginations if we won’t rush past them, but take the time to slow down and listen and hear what God has to say.
Join us for this 12-week series in the 12 minor prophets.
Part 1 – Hosea – Kevin Rogers. In Hosea, God’s message is delivered through a marriage. Hosea’s marriage demonstrates the severity of the spiritual adultery of God’s people and the consequences of their faithlessness. But it also demonstrates the depths of God’s unconditional love for them.
Part 2 – Joel – Kevin Rogers. Like Joel’s predictions of destruction from locust and war, God’s wrath is sure. But when people call on God in repentance, he himself becomes their refuge and fills them with his Holy Spirit.
Part 3 – Amos – Kevin Rogers. The primary problem of Amos is a breakdown in justice that denies the character of God. The remedy to such lovelessness is to seek the Lord in repentance and then work for the good of others for his sake.
Part 4 – Jonah – Jose Troche. Worship the gracious God who saves evil people.
Part 5 – Obadiah – Robin Boisvert. Obadiah’s prophecy demonstrates the justice of God for Edom’s pride and mistreatment of God’s people, but it also offers hope that all nations shall become a part of God’s kingdom.
Part 6 – Micah – Kevin Rogers. God does not want our empty rituals but our hearts. He does not want us to appease him but rather walk with him, receiving his wisdom, his direction, and—most importantly—his forgiveness.
Part 7 – Nahum – Robin Boisvert. God is sovereign over the nations and yet cares for people who take refuge in him.
Part 8 – Habakkuk – Kevin Rogers. Why does God seemingly see evil and not act? Habakkuk calls God’s people, as an act of faith, to remember God’s power, request his mercy, and resolve to wait.
Part 9 – Zephaniah – Robin Boisvert. Judgment is coming, but those who seek the Lord will find a promise of salvation.
Part 10 – Haggai – Kevin Rogers. A godly life will focus on God’s glory, word, and work.
Part 11 – Zechariah – Robin Boisvert. Return to God, and he will return to you.
Part 12 – Malachi – Kevin Rogers. God loves you and has conquered your enemies.
The Christ of the Prophets – O. Palmer Robertson
The Prophet and His Message – Michael J. Williams
The Prophets – The Bible Project. Reading the biblical prophets can be confusing. But there’s so much to discover when we learn to read these books with attention and context.
Hosea – The Bible Project. Northern Israel's continued rebellion threatens their covenant with God, but God sends Hosea to warn them of coming judgement and compel them to repent.
Amos – The Bible Project. God calls a Judean shepherd named Amos to confront the wrongdoing of the people of Israel, offering them one more chance before facing God's judgement.
Jonah – The Bible Project. Through satire and intricate storytelling, the book of Jonah invites readers to consider God's compassion and mercy that extends to us and our enemies.
Joel – The Bible Project. The book of Joel describes the Day of the Lord through locust swarms, battles, and powerful imagery so that readers can understand its magnitude.
Obadiah – The Bible Project. Obadiah tells of God's harsh judgment against Edom and other ungodly nations. It's a sobering picture that is still relevant today.
Micah – The Bible Project. Micah describes God's coming judgment on Israel, but it also outlines God's promise to be merciful and restore his people to the land.
Nahum – The Bible Project. Nahum announces the destruction of Assyria and reveals that God will protect his faithful people and punish all arrogant, violent, and evil nations.
Habakkuk – The Bible Project. Habakkuk offers hope by recognizing how dark and chaotic the world is and inviting us to trust that God will one day remove evil forever.
Zephaniah – The Bible Project. Zephaniah shows how God's justice and love work together to give the world hope, purifying his people and restoring Jerusalem.
Haggai – The Bible Project. Haggai encourages those who have just returned from exile to remain faithful, obedient, and hopeful for God's promise of a new Jerusalem.
Zechariah – The Bible Project. Through a series of dream visions, Zechariah offers the hope of a new Jerusalem to the Israelites and reminds them to stay faithful and they wait.
Malachi – The Bible Project. Malachi exposes Israel's corruption, but it also offers hope. Even after exile, God promises to purify a faithful remnant and establish a new Jerusalem.