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Topic: Repentance

Luke: the Wisdom of Jesus, Part 4

The Lord Receives Sinners


Speaker: John Leconte

Text: Luke 15:1-10

The Lord Jesus receives and, in fact, seeks out lost sinners. He then rejoices with heaven when they are “found” as they demonstrate faith and repentance.

Rooted, Part 27

Of Repentance Unto Life


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

God Has Spoken: A Series in the Minor Prophets, Part 11



Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Zechariah

Return to God, and he will return to you.

God Has Spoken: A Series in the Minor Prophets, Part 2



Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Joel

Like Joel’s predictions of destruction from locust and war, God’s wrath is sure. But when people call on God in repentance, he himself becomes their refuge and fills them with his Holy Spirit.

Rooted, Part 30

Of Repentance


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

His Passion, Our Power, Part 12

What Does This Mean?


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

On Pentecost, Peter explained the coming of the Holy Spirit to the bewildered crowd. He preached that this Jesus—attested by God, crucified, raised, and exalted—is indeed both Lord and Christ.

Testing Emergency Announcement