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Speaker: Jose Troche

Stewardship, Part 2

Stewardship: Part 2


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Philippians 4:10-20

We can give continually, worshipfully, and sacrificially, confidently knowing that God will supply all our needs, while our giving produces fruit that increases to our credit.

Luke: The Wisdom of Jesus, Part 3

The Prodigal Son


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Luke 15:11-32

A reckless sinner who humbly repents is celebrated over the proud whose confidence is in himself.

New Life: A Series in Colossians, Part 11

Living a Prayerful, Wise, and Gracious Life


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Colossians 4:2-6

Paul encourages the Colossians to pray steadfastly, manage time wisely, and speak graciously.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 18

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Luke 9:10-27

Jesus is the provider who supplies my needs and the Savior who suffers and dies for me.

Luke: The Power and Preaching of Jesus, Part 10

Jesus’ Powerful Word to Heal the Sick and Raise the Dead


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Luke 7:1-17

We are called to humbly believe that Jesus’ omnipotent, unstoppable words of command have authority over sickness and death.

Summer in the Psalms, Part 8

Let Us Worship the LORD


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Psalm 96

Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ has been saved from slavery to sin, so they can join David and the people of Yahweh in their worship and their proclamation of his marvelous works of salvation.

Galatians: No Other Gospel, Part 13

The Way You Live and Treat Others Matters for Today and Eternity


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Galatians 5:25-6:10

Living by the Spirit means bearing one another’s burdens and persevering in doing good.

Galatians: No Other Gospel, Part 2

Warning Against a Fake Gospel


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Galatians 1:6-10

All people, even Christians, tend to turn to fake gospels. Paul has strong warnings for those who preach and embrace them.

God Has Spoken: A Series in the Minor Prophets, Part 4



Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Jonah

Worship the gracious God who saves evil people.

1 Corinthians: Real Church, Part 12

The Gift of Singleness


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: 1 Corinthians 7:25-40

Marriage is good, but singleness can be better. It allows undivided devotion to God.

Proverbs: Living Wisely, Part 5

Money and Wealth


Speaker: Jose Troche

The book of Proverbs has valuable, matter-of-fact wisdom that we can learn from in relation to wealth and possessions.

Why Am I Suffering?


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Job

God used suffering to prepare Job’s heart so Job could not just hear of him but truly see him in all his majesty, splendor, glory, and sovereignty.

Light in the Darkness, Part 2

Hope in the Lord


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Psalm 39

The Psalmist wrestles with the sovereignty of God, cries out to the Lord in his distress, and finds a hope that is real, a hope that is available to us today.

Malachi: Redeeming Love, Part 3

Redeeming Marriage


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Malachi 2:10-16

In Malachi’s day, the Israelites were marrying women who led them to worship false gods and were being unfaithful to their wives. In response, this passage calls us today to honor God when pursuing marriage and honor God by being faithful in marriage.

Christ Has Come, Part 1

The Miracle of the Incarnation


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Matthew 1

Thousands of years ago, in the garden of Eden, God promised he would send a Savior to reverse the curse of sin. He kept that promise in a story that unfolds through history and is gloriously fulfilled with the coming of Jesus Christ.

1 Timothy: A Family on a Mission, Part 4

Pleading for the Salvation of All People


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-8

We are called to pray, to plead for the salvation of all people.

Last Words, Part 10

What Jesus Prayed for You and Me


Speaker: Jose Troche

In his last hours on earth, Jesus prayed for all people who would eventually believe in him. But what did Jesus pray? What did he want for his church? What was his desire for them?

Last Words, Part 4

Bearing Fruit Rooted in the Love of Jesus


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: John 15:1-17

Jesus calls his disciples to live lives that bear much fruit, fruit that is rooted in his unsearchable love for them.

Songs for a Savior, Part 2

Salvation Has Come


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Luke 1:67-79

We used to live in darkness, we were dead, we walked in the path of misery and hopelessness, but Jesus came to lead us into a path of peace and salvation.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 11

I AM! Do Not Fear


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: John 6:1-21

Jesus Christ is the only one who can take your deepest fears away. Run to him, trust him, and hold on to him with all your heart, soul, and strength and he will take care of your deepest needs.

The Gospel of John: So That You May Believe, Part 5

Destroy This Temple And In Three Days I Will Raise It Up


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: John 2:13-25

Jesus' zeal for his Father's house drove him to clear the temple. But soon his body would be destroyed and raised in three days, providing a new way for God to dwell with all who believe in him.

The Hope of Christmas for Troubled Souls


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Psalms 77

Christians can walk through months of despair and doubt, but God can meet them in the darkness.

The Gospel of Mark, Part 7

The Crucified King


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Mark 14:53-15:39

Jesus, the highest king, suffered our condemnation so that we can enter the presence of God.

Isaiah: Behold the Conquering Servant King, Part 4

Comfort and Joy in God’s Salvation


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Isaiah 25

As we navigate through the storms and suffering of this present time, we find comfort and hope by looking forward to a glorious day of Christ's return.

Restless, Part 4



Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Psalms 103

Let us praise the Lord for his immeasurable steadfast love toward us, his people.

Jesus’ Teaching On How To Pray


Speaker: Jose Troche

Text: Matthew 6:5-13

Jesus teaches his disciples and us how to pray eagerly: seeking the glory of God and humbly appealing to his sovereign care.

Testing Emergency Announcement