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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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We are called to present ourselves as living sacrifices to God, reflecting the Christ who is in us. This is the acceptable gift we must offer to the Great Giver.
The Lord Jesus receives and, in fact, seeks out lost sinners. He then rejoices with heaven when they are “found” as they demonstrate faith and repentance.
The failures of the disciples can teach us to depend on God’s power, pray for understanding of the cross, and work in unity for God’s kingdom.
Jesus calls you to join his team. This call to discipleship is gracious, definite, missional, and sacrificial.
Speaker: John Leconte
Jesus Christ is fully God, fully human, and Lord.
God is our shield and covenant keeper. Our appropriate response is to believe his promises and obey him as an expression of that faith.
The Lord extends a compassionate and gracious invitation to his people to come to him for satisfaction and life.
Wife, subject yourself to your husband’s leadership. Husband, live with your wife in an understanding way. And to both, do so for the Lord’s sake!
God is committed to bring us to glory, so the Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God.
Speaker: John Leconte
The Spirit-empowered church is a diverse, loving, and unified people which proclaims God’s word with boldness.
Speaker: John Leconte, Jose Troche, Kevin Rogers, Robin Boisvert, Steve Wyzga, Todd Keeler
Christian fellowship not only involves the gathering of believers, but we also enter fellowship with God through our faith in the Lord Jesus.
Did the resurrection really occur? If so, why does it matter?
Belonging to God is a relationship that is marked by the love of the Father, sealed in the blood of
Put your faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and you will have eternal life. Have faith not only in what he can do for you, but also in who he is and in his word.
In this message from Mark 8, John Leconte describes how knowing who Jesus is and what he's come to do should impact our lives.
If you are a bonafide Christian filled with the Spirit of God, your lifestyle should reflect your allegiance to Christ.
There is no other option to get to God except through God himself. Anything or anyone else is an idol.
The Holy Spirit opens our eyes from spiritual blindness in order to see God in his holiness.
Through an encounter with Jesus Christ, God radically transforms lives, so that through them others know the good news about his kingdom. In Jesus Christ, we are saved and set free to proclaim the Gospel.
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