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If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant also (John 12:26).
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).
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Paul’s prayer is that we would live lives worthy of the gospel, growing in love, knowledge, discernment, and holiness for the glory of God.
God rules history and he will bring it to fulfillment in Christ.
When we reflect upon God, who He is and what He has done, true worship rises in our hearts, and our desire is to glorify Him.
We must praise God because he is the great king who is worthy to be praised.
Speaker: Matt Maka
The church is a blood-bought group of Jesus lovers who band together under the oversight and care of weak yet Spirit-appointed pastors with the ultimate aim of glorifying God.
A godly life will focus on God’s glory, word, and work.
Loving others involves doing what is best for them. Loving God involves showing he is best. This is bringing glory to him, doing all to his glory.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
Robin teaches on God's holiness, goodness, love and glory.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
Robin teaches on God's attributes of knowledge/omniscience, will, power, holiness, and goodness.
Speaker: Robin Boisvert
Can we really know God in any meaningful way?
By intervening in a wedding in crisis, Jesus revealed his glory and his disciples believed.
God reveals his glory through the universe and through the Bible, and we are called to respond to him as our Redeemer.
Mark Mitchell closes out our series in the book of Titus. In this last chapter, we learn how good works flow from gospel living.
God comforts us when we agree with His glorious goal, recognize that only His Word is permanent and when we behold Him.
God purposed to be with his people.
In spite of their failure, God renews the covenant and reassures His people. God's gracious covenant love is stronger than our sin.
God graciously invites us to keep His covenant so that He might delight in us and that we might bring Him glory.
Salvation is of the LORD, totally, entirely, and all for his glory.
The power and saving purposes of God are put on universal display through these great acts of judgment so that God is glorified among the Egyptians, the Israelites, and even to the ends of the earth.
Psalm 138 gives us magnificent poetry for our praise, showing us how and why to worship the Lord even in the midst of trouble.
Paul ransacks his imagination for all images that might pose a threat to the believer’s security and dismisses each of them.
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