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Topic: The Bible

The Ultimate True or False Test


Speaker: Todd Keeler

Text: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

Paul provides a simple yet vital two-step plan for living out the truth in a world full of lies: follow godly examples and continue in God’s Word.

Summer in the Psalms, Part 1

A Primer on the Blessed Life


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Psalm 1

Whatever shapes your thinking shapes your life, so there is no single thing you can do that is more profitable than regularly reading and reflecting on Scripture.

Bible 101, Part 3

Bible 101, Session 3


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Bible 101, Part 2

Bible 101, Session 2


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

God Has Spoken: A Series in the Minor Prophets, Part 10

Haggai: The Focus of a Godly Life


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Haggai

A godly life will focus on God’s glory, word, and work.

Habits of Grace, Part 1

Bible Reading


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Psalm 1:1-3

The main reason you should read your Bible is because it will bless you.

1 Peter: Living Hope, Part 4

The Life That Lasts


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: 1 Peter 1:22-2:10

Christians have the new life that lasts, through the imperishable word of the gospel. We have a life that must be characterized by love, that will be demonstrated by a hunger for more of God and that will find expression in a community of love and worship. All for God’s glory.

Our Values, Part 5

Scripture: The Bible in Your Hands


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Scripture is of the utmost value because it is God speaking to us for our good.

Knowing God, Part 1



Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Can we really know God in any meaningful way?

Exodus: Saved for God's Glory, Part 9

Awesome in Holiness


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Exodus 19:3-25

Because God is awesome in His holiness, we need a mediator in order to be reconciled with Him.

The Importance of Sound Doctrine


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Matthew 22:34-40

As your knowledge of God grows, so will your love for him.

Women of the Word Conference, Part 4



Speaker: Kathleen Neilson

Text: Psalms 77

A final interactive session of digging into Psalm 77 together

Women of the Word Conference, Part 3

Psalms as Praise


Speaker: Kathleen Neilson

Text: Psalms 138

Psalm 138 gives us magnificent poetry for our praise, showing us how and why to worship the Lord even in the midst of trouble.

Women of the Word Conference, Part 2

Psalms as Prayer


Speaker: Kathleen Neilson

Text: Psalms 51

Psalm 51 does not just instruct us about how to pray; it offers us living and active words of prayer. As David lays bare his heart before God in this poem, we can take these words to heart and do the same.

Women of the Word Conference, Part 1

Psalms as Poetry


Speaker: Kathleen Neilson

Text: Psalms 56

David doesn’t just tell us to trust God in the midst of our fears; rather, he shows us the process of trusting, through lines of poetry.

One to One Bible Reading, Part 2

How Can We Get Started with One to One Bible Reading?


Speaker: David Helm

Getting started is as simple as pray, ask, and meet. However, it isn't easy because asking and meeting requires putting to death fear.

One to One Bible Reading, Part 1

Why Should We Do One to One Bible Reading?


Speaker: David Helm

One to one Bible reading invites everyone to benefit from the total sufficiency, absolute authority, and dynamic potency of God's Word.

Reading the Bible for All Its Worth, Part 4

Biblical Interpretation: Content and Application


Speaker: Don DeVries

The key to understanding the content of a biblical text is observation. Paying attention to sentence structure, verbs, conjunctions, and figures of speech will help reveal the meaning of a passage.

Reading the Bible for All Its Worth, Part 3

Biblical Interpretation: Literary Context


Speaker: Don DeVries

When the Biblical writers wanted to communicate the truths of God’s revelation, God’s dealings with His people and His redemptive plan, they carefully chose words and literary forms that would best convey their meaning.

Reading the Bible for All Its Worth, Part 2

Biblical Interpretation: Historical Context


Speaker: Don DeVries

Biblical interpretation engages a process to understand the inspired human author's original meaning and applies the biblical truths to our 21st century lives.

Reading the Bible for All Its Worth, Part 1

The Importance of Rightly Interpreting God’s Word


Speaker: Don DeVries

Text: Psalms 19:7-11

Rightly interpreting the Bible guards us from error, bridges the gaps between us and the biblical writers, and - most importantly - leads us to a growing knowledge and love of Jesus.

2 Peter, Part 5

The Divine Origin of Scripture


Speaker: Jerry Bridges

Text: 2 Peter 1:16-21

What is more sure than Peter's own experience of seeing Jesus in his majesty and hearing the voice of God on the mount of transfiguration? Christians find greater surety in the words of the Bible than any personal experience.

The Glue of Christian Unity, Part 3

The Word of Christ and Christian Unity


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Colossians 3:16-17

We truly worship God when we honor his word and show love for his children.

How We Got the Bible, Part 3

The Canon of Scripture


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Luke 24:44

This session explores the historical development of the Old and New Testaments, along with a discussion of the Apocrypha.

How We Got the Bible, Part 2

Christ and Scripture


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: 2 Peter 1:19-21

This session discusses the central role of the apostles as witnesses to divine revelation.

How We Got the Bible, Part 1

Revelation and Scripture


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 1:19-20

This session introduces and compares the categories of general and special revelation. God has spoken to us, and the content of his speech culminates in Jesus Christ.

How We Got the Bible, Part 4

Inspiration and Authority


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

This final session has to do with the origin of Scripture, its authority, and its self-attesting nature.

Romans, Part 1

Introduction and Overview - The Power of the Gospel


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Romans 1-16

Robin Boisvert gives an overview of the book of Romans and examines the Gospel as the power of God for salvation.

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